Return on investment

MXTV Healthcare is an entertainment and interactivity solution for the patient, but above all a payTv system that enables the facility to make the most of its TV fleet.

You have total control over the price of your subscriptions and paid features.

Case study of a private clinic in purchasing mode

To give you an idea of how cost-effective such a solution can be, here's a case study of a private clinic equipped with the MXTVHealthcare solution.

  • 125
    Number of rooms
    Infrastructure: Hybrid. Connectivity and entertainment via the WIFI network and channels via the coaxial network.
  • 40 000€
    Total investment
    TV price: 125 TVs at 200€ i.e. 25,000€
    Software solution price: 15,000€
  • 11 250€
    Monthly sales
    TV rights purchase rate: 60%
    Daily TV price: 5€

Repayment of the investment is achieved after

3 months and a half

Retour sur investissement MXTV

To know more

Distance selling allows patients to open their rights directly on their TV with their credit card.

With distance selling:

  • Increase sales
  • Offloading the work of receptionists
  • Provide TV access for patients entering their rooms after the receptionists' departure times.